Transfer from Bethnal Green (E2) to Gatwick Airport

 Transfer from Bethnal Green (E2) to Gatwick Airport

The district of Bethnal Green is located in the Tower Hamlets London Borough, in eastern London. It is only 3 miles away from Charing Cross and in the past, it used to be an agrarian hamlet incorporated in the Stepney ancient parish. Bethnal Green’s economic history commenced when the area became an agricultural supplier for the capital city. Later, it evolved to market gardening and finally it became known for light industry and weaving. All these industries and occupations are now long gone.

During the Second World War, Bethnal Green was bombed and most of its buildings were destroyed. At the same time, numerous persons were killed because of the bombs. Following the war, numerous social housing developments have been constructed in the district.

The first names given to the settlement have been Blythenhale and Blithehale. The terms come from the Anglo – Saxon language and they mean “blithe or happy corner, nook or angle”. Also, the title might come from Blitha, a personal name. Over the years, the name was converted to Bethan Hall Green and it was simplified to Bethnal Green.